Everything's made of oil Володин Максим

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns
Gazprom neft
Gazprom neft

This work
in other

Special Projects


Everybody thinks that oil is old school. When electric cars win, gasoline will be gone and oil will become useless. However, it is not quite right. The oil consumers are not aware that they actually consume oil products. Gasoline is just one product from the list of hundreds products made of oil. To win over this stereotype, we have decided to create the Breakthrough Contact

Ideas and solutions

To use Instagram gif-search as a web browser and the message on the sticker as context advertising. We created 30 GIF-stickers of oil products for this purpose. They served as information banners in the project. There is a small competition between gifs when you search in Russian, so the product stickers were in the tops of search results. The message on the sticker was explicit, as users do not expect to see advertising in this search