Creative influencer-marketing project for Gazprom Neft Дарья Лукина

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns
Gazprom Neft
Gazprom Neft

This work
in other

Special Projects


Gazprom Neft had a goal – increasing awareness of the geologist’s profession among schoolchildren. Together, we realized a project where we used Minecraft – a popular game among youngsters. Why Minecraft? Because it clearly demonstrates the work of geologists, for instance in mineral extraction. In order to make the project not only entertaining but also educational, we invited a geologist. He played the game along with our blogger, gave interesting info about his occupation

Ideas and solutions

In order to reach the goals of the client, we picked a mechanic that is most fitting for and beloved by the target audience aged 13-20 – video games. We decided to communicate on Youtube – a platform that is most familiar and convenient for our audience. Then, we found the audience favorite – influencer, gamer and streamer Spike Minecraft who communicated complex information in simple and easy to understand terms, along with Gazprom Neft’s geologist. A couple days in advance, the minecrafter told his subscribers to ask their questions in the YouTube community to determine the info that users would like to learn from a geologist. What results were obtained? Goal: raise awareness of the geologist’s profession among schoolchildren Result: 530,000 stream views, 392 people decided to become geologists Goal: inform the audience about the activities of Gazprom Neft Result: 1,500 questions for the geologist and his answers given through the prism of Gazprom Neft’s activities Goal: build an image of the company that is comprehensive and familiar to the target audience (young Russians aged 13-20) Result: 13,000 likes that show the audience’s interest in the company, which means that we managed to communicate in terms understood by the viewer.