House by other rules Tele2 Chulakov

Interactive projects
Digital Campaigns

This work
in other

Special Projects Websites Design


When the pandemic took its reign Tele2 reached out to us with a task to create an ambitious project “House by other rules”, which will help people to get through isolation easily and make the most of it. We started production immediately and in 3 weeks came to an agreement on the final version. Tele2 House turned out quite “comfy” and domesticated as it was produced from our homes during isolation.

Ideas and solutions

We need to mention that healthy surroundings at each teammate's house made it possible to produce maximum. The list of tasks was in fact large and serious. We made interface design, frontend and backend development also designed a 3D-model of house and rooms as vector graphics and interface elements were not about this story. During the first month after launching Tele2 House more than 800 000 users of different providers from Moscow and the region visited the website. And the numbers are growing with each day. You are welcome to take a tour around Tele2 House if you haven’t done that yet.