Toad stories Ангелина Московкина

Special Projects

This work
in other

Animation, motion-design Illustration


The goal of the project was to create an unusual image of animals such as toads. I wanted to see how this image will work for the audience and to understand what products and tools can be advertised with toad characters. Also the task was to create a comical plot and funny characters.

Ideas and solutions

The idea always came from a phrase (a simple play on words). Based on this, I came up with the main concept of the video, created characters (their image and character), made a storyboard, then frame-by-frame drew and animated everything. Then there was another stage - working with sound (selection of musical composition and voice acting). It turned out to be quite difficult to choose such a composition which caught the rhythm and the vibe of the video. A long search solved the problem. The difficulty was that the content was created for a specific platform-Tik-Tok, which has its own limitations in format and duration. But this was also a plus - a great opportunity to apply and process sound and editing animation directly in the app.