Corporate website for the Russian representative office of the German shoe brand Caprice Горбаров Илья

Websites Design
Russian representative office of shoe brand Caprice
German shoe brand Caprice


The task was to develop a website with the online store functionality, which public part will work for positioning, and accessible only for partners catalog will become a wholesale tool

Ideas and solutions

The first step was to think through the sales pipeline in the Russian market, which covers all stages of the client's path in B2B and eventually leads to actual B2C sales rise. Caprice only works through distributors. It is they who are the company’s clients. Brand distributors will order regularly if the consumer demand is high. And demand is boosted by strong brand positioning and image. Each stage of the new pipeline realized on the website was designed based on the target audience's jobs-to-be-done: — Open to audience B2C part of the website presents the shoe brand and boosts its image for eventual users. — Wholesale landing and accessible only for partners catalog and personal account are made to uprise B2B sales. Video of a model walking in brand shoes was shot and adapted for the home page. The idea came from the Caprice motto: Like walking on Air. This solution demonstrates the product in action, emphasizes the brand essence, and is easy to remember.