Addicted Грознов Константин

Branding and Communication Design
Promotional printed Media and Item Design


Cover design and promotional materials development for a music single by Amchi

Ideas and solutions

ADDICTED is a modern love ballad by R&B artist AMCHI The cover art concept is based on the classic story of Pygmalion and Galatea from Greek mythology. Pygmalion was a sculptor who fell so deeply in love with an ivory statue he carved that he asked Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, to grant him a wife as beautiful as his sculpture. Touched by this love, Aphrodite brought the statue to life. This is one of the most influential love stories in Renaissance art, and served as the inspiration for the works of many great artists, sculptors and dramatists of that and later periods. We created our homage as a modern interpretation of this classic story using 3D scanning technology. We scanned AMCHI and his girlfriend and kept the glitch artifacts generated by the process to capture the period in which the work was made. We also made an animated version of the cover and a set of additional graphics for the release announcement across various media.