MankaGroove Ирина Чувакова

Music track (piece)


The group includes the soloist and author-performer Irina Chuvakova (participant of the projects "The Voice", "Well, all together", "New Star") and musicians of extra class: Denis Vasilevsky, Alexey Lyubchik, Vyacheslav Bystrov and Roman Bondarenko.Manka Groove is totally author's project

Ideas and solutions

Enchanting jazz-rock, fiery funk, sensual blues, light disco-pop and crazy energy — all this is MankaGroove!! MankaGroove is a permanent resident of the legendary Alexey Kozlov jazz club. The band takes part in the most exciting jazz festivals in Russia and Europe. The band's songs are played on radio stations: Jazz, Culture, Radio of Russia, Nika FM, RUSA (New York).