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Case studies from the Faces & Laces team. Local phenomenon

- The phenomenon of the emergence of niche local brands on the territory of the post-Soviet space - Why does a young audience choose the products of local enthusiasts as opposed to the global mass market - Brands as a means of cultural dialogue and community unification

куратор - Faces&Laces

Alexey Aksenov

Alexey Aksenov

Faces&Laces , Founder

Co-founder of the interactive exhibition project Faces & Laces and the creative studio of the same name, as well as the platform for local brands Faces & Laces Locals. Producer of collaboration projects combining graphic design and street art. In 2007, together with Dmitry Oskes, he conceived and held the first low-budget exhibition with the goal of introducing the public to street culture and street art, primarily graffiti. To date, Faces & Laces has transformed into the largest exhibition project, bringing together relevant representatives of street fashion and art, custom culture, sports and music, and attracting thousands of visitors. During the year, the exhibition team works as a creative studio that specializes in developing creative solutions in the field of modern youth culture. Also in 2017, the curators of the exhibition launched Faces & Laces Locals, an online platform that broadcasts the Faces & Laces team’s look at the local street fashion industry.

Dmitry Oskes

Dmitry Oskes

Faces & Laces , Founder

Dmitry Oskes - pioneer of street culture in Russia, designer, curator, co-organizer and ideologist of the interactive exhibition project and open-air FACES & LACES, dedicated to local street culture (since 2006); curator of the SYNTHESIS AND INTEGRATION gallery project on subcultural and alternative art (since 2008). One of the authors of the first Russian significant collaborations with leading world brands in the fashion, sports and street culture industries. In 2007, together with Alexei Aksenov, he conceived and held the first low-budget exhibition with the goal of introducing the public to street culture and street art, primarily graffiti. To date, Faces & Laces has become the largest exhibition project, bringing together relevant representatives of street fashion and art, custom culture, sports and music, and attracting thousands of visitors. During the year, the exhibition team works as a creative studio that specializes in developing creative solutions in the field of modern youth culture. Also in 2017, the curators of the exhibition launched Faces & Laces Locals, an online platform that broadcasts the Faces & Laces team’s look at the local street fashion industry.