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4:00 PM

4:45 PM
Main Room

live stream — Main Room

Public-talk: "Russian cinema in the top"

куратор - Pitchings

Alexey Zotov

Alexey Zotov

Pitchings , Founder

Curator of the "Cinema" section. Founder of Pitchings - a community and popular media for young filmmakers.

Alexander Hunt

Alexander Hunt

, Director

Alexander Hunt, director ("How Vitka Garlic Carried Lyokha Shtyr to the Home for Invalids") Studied at VGIK. Winner of the Nika-2018 Prize in the Discovery of the Year nomination.

Baybulat Batullin

Baybulat Batullin

, Director

Director of the series "Plague!" He studied at the Moscow School of Cinema. In August 2018, the STS TV channel released its debut serial project – the comedy series “The Big Game”.

Alexey Kamynin

Alexey Kamynin

, Director

Alexey Kamynin, director ("Blues") Studied at the Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors. "Blues" is the second full-length film by Alexei, which was shown at Kinotavr this year.